
Mark Cundy is the owner, alongside Alan Hollingsworth, of Mann Made Group, an Isle of Man fiduciary.[631] [318] [320] [462] [463]

As of 2022, Mann Made Group owns Hollyberry Trustee Limited, a trust company registered in the Isle of Man that is closely linked to several offshore companies that have been used to purchase property in London on behalf of members of Azerbaijan’s ruling family, including Leyla and Arzu Aliyeva.[172] [303] These companies include Beckforth Services Limited, an Isle of Man company for which Hollyberry is a shareholder and Cundy a director,[169] as well as seven companies registered in the British Virgin Islands over which Hollyberry Trustee exercises “significant control”: Capper Marketing Inc,[632] Strahan Holding & Finance Corp,[633] and Nedo Ventures Ltd,[634] which have at times been owned by Leyla or Arzu Aliyeva, as well as Quandu Finance Limited,[635] Sheldrake Six Limited,[636] Gesoro Limited,[637] and Sheldrake Seven Limited[638], which have been owned by other members of the Aliyev family or their business associates.

Mark Cundy did not respond to The Sentry’s request for comment.

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